You Deserve to Feel Better

Are you one of the 6 in 10 Americans suffering from a significant chronic illness and want relief so you can get back to your life?

Come See Dr. Cam via Telemedicine or In-Person

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine is healing oriented medicine that looks at patients as a whole person: body, mind, spirit and community. It shifts the traditional disease-centered approach to a more patient- centered approach. It is integrative because it uses both conventional and alternative modalities to promote the body’s innate healing response. Integrative Medicine uses natural and less invasive treatments whenever possible, but is based on good science and is evidence-based. We not only treat illness, but also are focused on the promotion of health and the prevention of illness. It is based on a foundation of a solid relationship between patient and practitioner.

Meet Dr. Cam

Dr. Cam is your Integrative Medicine physician. She is a wife and mother to three grown daughters and lives in Littleton, Colorado. Dr. Cam has battled chronic fatigue, insomnia, leaky gut syndrome, mold and mercury toxicity using both alternative and traditional medical modalities. Like many doctors in the integrative medical community she went into the field to heal herself, but in doing so, she has gained so much insight into what it really takes to treat chronic illnesses. Unfortunately, traditional medicine does a very poor job of taking care of chronic illnesses as evidenced by the facts that 70% of Americans are overweight or obese and only one in eight is metabolically healthy.

At the core of all patient care with Dr. Cam is extensive one-on-one time spent discussing your detailed medical history in conjunction with a focused physical exam. She will use various integrative modalities such as Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and nutritional supplements to help you find your way back to health. Instead of treating symptoms like many traditional physicians, Dr. Cam will look for systemic imbalances in your body using cutting-edge lab testing. She wants to promote wellness and health by rebalancing your body using diet, lifestyle changes, supplements, and homeopathic and traditional medications. Once a sense of wellness is achieved, she will focus on disease prevention.




Undergraduate Education

⦿ Colorado State University: graduated Summa Cum Laude 1990.

⦿ Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology

Medical Education

⦿ University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1994. 


⦿ University of Washington School of Medicine, Residency in Anesthesia 1998.

Board Certifications

⦿ American Board of Anesthesiologists 2004

⦿ American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine 2011

⦿ Helms Medical Institute: M.D. Acupunture Certification 2012





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Get personalized integrative doctor care and support, online or in -person

My Story

Ever since the age of seven when I used a Snellen Eye Chart to screen my grandmother for visual problems, I knew I wanted to be a doctor. Little did I know that it would be a long circuitous journey before I would become the physician that I was meant to be. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Colorado State University, I attended the University of Colorado School of Medicine. It was there that I learned to use my extraordinary problem solving skills and intuition to help my patients. Wanting to challenge myself, I decided on Anesthesia for a specialty. During my Anesthesia residency at the University of Washington, where I worked 80-90 hour weeks, I developed low back pain. The back pain became exponentially worse when I gained 93 pounds during my pregnancy with my twins. The back pain continued for many years as I struggled to care for my new daughters, finish my residency and then move to Denver to start my new job as an anesthesiologist.

After working for 10 years as an anesthesiologist, during which time I had another daughter, lost two parents, and dealt with other stressors, my body just shut down. I went into exhaustion. I felt chronically tired all the time, slept maybe an hour or two each night and woke up tired every morning. I struggled to do my job, but ultimately I decided it was not fair to my patients to continue, so I stopped working. Even after staying home for several months, I didn’t feel much better. I tried going to several traditional allopathic doctors, who did their usual history, physical and labs routine. They all told me I was “fine”, but all I could think was that this suffering needs to stop!

So I started to research my exhaustion and learned that traditional allopathic medicine had no answers for me. In desperation, I went back to basics and studied extensively the healing power of nutritious foods. I started making some significant changes to my diet including the elimination or gluten and dairy and all processed foods. To keep myself fit and sane, I started to walk every day and did yoga three to four times a week. To foster my spirit I started to meditate daily for at least thirty minutes a day. All this, along with a host of nutritional supplements that I found through research, and a very supportive acupuncturist who helped me to sleep better, was still not enough to get me to wellness.


A few months later at a Zen meditation retreat, I met Dr. Scott Shannon, who just happened to be on the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine. I related to him my health issues and he suggested that I look into Integrative Medicine(IM) and some of its disciplines such as Functional Medicine. I felt like Fate was stepping in to give me a hand. For the next year I studied everything about IM that I could find and discovered that what I had was adrenal dysfunction causing chronic fatigue. At the time, it was called adrenal fatigue but now called Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Axis Dysfunction that results when one is chronically stressed to the point where the whole axis is dysfunctional.

With the help of the various integrative modalities, it took me several years to sort out all the problems that resulted from or contributed to my chronic fatigue. My recovery involved healing my leaky gut, treating mold toxicity which resulted when our home was flooded several years earlier, and getting rid of mercury from my tissues. Integrative medicine gave me the tools to heaI myself and taught me that health is a very fine balance of all the systems in your body. I was so impressed with what I learned that I studied for and obtained my Board certification with the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques such as Acupuncture and Chinese herbs were used as a big part of my recovery, and so a year later I became a certified Physician Acupuncturist.

You Deserve to Feel Better

Are you one of the 6 in 10 Americans suffering from a significant chronic illness and want relief so you can get back to your life?

Why choose to come see Dr. Cam?

Have you been to see a traditional allopathic doctor, been examined and had blood tests and other diagnostic tests, only to hear that everything checks out okay? Only you know that something is wrong and you don’t want to suffer any more! This scenario is very common because our current healthcare system does a very poor job of managing chronic health problems. Patients are treated as machines who have one broken part that needs to be fixed, often symptoms are just suppressed with medications which can cause other problems such as severe side effects.

Dr. Cam chooses to look at chronic health issues from a more individualized whole person approach that takes into account the patient’s physical, mental, spiritual and genetic make-up. She will have in-depth discussions with you not only about your medical symptoms, but also your diet, exercise, lifestyle, stress, traumas and exposure to toxins. From there, Dr. Cam will collaborate with you to address the underlying causes of your health problem(s).

Sample of Conditions That We Treat

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Dr. Cam trained in the French Energetic Acupuncture which emphasizes the movement of energy to promote healing. It unifies our modern understanding of neuro-muscular anatomy, pain physiology and neurotransmitter chemistry with the traditional model of Chinese acupuncture which stresses the balancing of Qi (“chee”).

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Acupuncture is most successful at treating musculoskeletal pain, especially low back pain. It is effective at treating a wide range of conditions, from insomnia to headaches to infertility. Dr. Cam also offers Battlefield Acupuncture, a form of ear acupuncture that uses gold plated semi-permanent needles to treat pain and acute psychological stress.

Services That We Offer

Medical Evaluation

Medical Diagnosis

Second Opinion

Medical Acupuncture

Nutritional Consulting

Supplement Guidance

Health Education/Coaching

Specialized Cutting Edge Lab Testing

Trigger Point Injections

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Prevention


Integrative medical consultation with Dr. Cam may or may not be covered by your health insurance provider. Please check with your provider about coverage before your appointment. Our office will not bill your insurance directly but Dr. Cam can provide you with a receipt for services received and you may submit for reimbursement.

Current Fee Schedule

10 minute Consultation

45 minute consultation (follow-up only)



60 minute consultation (minimum for initial consultation)


90 minute consultation


Ear Acupuncture




All fees are HSA and FSA qualifying expenses

Membership Plans
Cancellation Policy

Please be prompt for appointments and please give our office at least 24 hours notice for cancellations. There will be a $150 fee for no shows and cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.

Statera means balance and true balance means good health

Contact Us

Camelia Bui M.D.

Phone: (720) 701-9551


7087 S. Windermere St.

Littleton, CO 80120

Discounted Supplements
